They talk about us

Find out which media outlets are talking about Foodiz and highlighting our impact in the
world of corporate catering.

Foodiz in the media

We're proud to share with you the various articles, interviews and publications where Foodiz has been mentioned. These recognitions reflect our commitment to offering quality products, whether for a quick lunch, a tasty snack or even an energizing breakfast. Find out what experts and enthusiasts are saying about us, and explore the many ways in which our brand continues to make its mark on the industry, not least through our food innovations and unique approach to business.

Success Stories

Foodiz offers a complete solution for all corporate "Food" moments, as a practical, local and healthy partner. Rather than managing an in-house organization, companies can now rely on Foodiz to meet their employees' food needs, with an approach focused on quality, flexibility and proximity...
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Logos from LN24 and Foodiz.
Thibault Vanhaelen, Co-founder and CEO of Foodiz.
BXFM - Podcast

Rooftop BECI - Thibault Vanhaelen

(Re)dive into the world of Foodiz with Thibault Vanhaelen, our CEO. Foodiz meets every corporate food requirement, from breakfast to afterwork, while overcoming numerous challenges. In full expansion, we are more than ever ready to take on the new challenges that lie ahead!
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Business Angels Network - Flanders

Coup de pouce au capital culinaire: 150,000 euros for the rapid growth of the Foodiz dark kitchen

The incredible determination, flair for innovation and enormous resilience of the Foodiz founders convinced business angel Jannes Soutaer. This capital injection via the BAN network ensures that Foodiz will be able to meet the growing demand in the Belgian B2B food market: investment in the Foodiz team & tools, and product optimization.
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A laptop logged in on the Foodiz digital canteen application.
Quentin Walravens and Thibault Vanhaelen, founders of Foodiz.
La Libre

Foodiz gives itself three years to become the Belgian leader in company lunches

Foodiz aims to become Belgium's leader in the corporate lunch market within the next three years. To achieve this, the Brussels-based foodtech is banking on the quality, sustainability and convenience of its meals delivered to the workplace.
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Foodiz, the 2.0 company canteen that loves teleworking

"Three years after launching its digital canteen, start-up Foodiz has broken even and signed a contract with the European Commission, a success largely due to teleworking."
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A table filled with items from Foodiz' canteen services.
Quentin Walravens, Co-founder and CXO of Foodiz.

Once upon a time... Quentin Walravens: From field hockey to entrepreneurship.

With a wealth of experience in business creation, including The Fork Belgium, Quentin Walravens launched Foodiz in 2020. This project is the fruit of all his successes and learnings, turning challenges into assets. Thanks to this expertise, he was able to make Foodiz a success, despite a difficult launch context.
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Trends Trends

Restaurant of the future: the rush to dark kitchens

Becoming the leader in B-to-B dark kitchens was the hope of Quentin Walravens and his partner Thibault Vanhaelen when they launched Foodiz in 2020. The concept? A dark kitchen for businesses, giving their employees access to eight different kitchens operated by Foodiz.
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Colleagues eating their Foodiz lunch.
Logos of Foodiz and BeCook!
BeCook - Youtube

BeCook! Partner presentation - Foodiz

Discover how Foodiz and BeCook! are joining forces to offer a superior culinary experience. This alliance reflects our shared vision of reinventing the lunch break with gourmet, convenient and environmentally-friendly options.
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Innovation Origins

Foodiz digital canteen aims to help office workers eat healthier

Foodiz is what you might call a digital canteen. From a dark kitchen in the Belgian capital, hundreds of meals are delivered every day. Foodtech aims to bring a healthier food culture to the workplace.
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Quentin Walravens and Thibault Vanhaelen, founders of Foodiz.
A table filled with items from Foodiz' catering services.
Startup Vie - Youtube

FOODIZ: Test the "DARK KITCHEN" startup that replaces your canteen!

Discover how Foodiz is revolutionizing the lunch break with our "dark kitchen"! Offering a practical, tasty alternative to traditional canteens, we offer a variety of meals, delivered quickly, to satisfy every craving. Try our service and transform your office lunches into a unique culinary experience.
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Resilient Entrepreneurs - Quentin Walravens

We have adapted quickly to market challenges, constantly innovating to offer catering solutions that meet the needs of modern businesses.
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A table filled with items from Foodiz' catering services.
A table with two boxes of "Bun Mix" from Foodiz' catering services.

"Don't be afraid of being afraid

As entrepreneurs, we're not afraid to be afraid. Have you ever thought of experiencing a digital lunch? That's exactly what startup Foodiz is doing, revolutionizing the way companies approach catering by offering innovative solutions adapted to new realities.
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A start-up launches business lunches... while teleworking

This startup's mission is to redefine the concept of the telecommuting business lunch, offering practical and tasty solutions for professionals who want to combine work and gastronomy.
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A bag filled with an order from Foodiz' digital canteen.
Foodiz' digital canteen dishes in sustainable packaging.

Takeaway in Brussels: Try Japanese ramen and a "dark kitchen".

The Foodiz concept is based on the "Dark Kitchen" principle, i.e. virtual restaurants whose dishes are prepared in a single workshop, from a common range of ingredients processed differently.
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La Libre

Foodiz creates Belgium's first online "food market" for businesses

Foodiz represents a genuine evolution of the company canteen, a version 2.0 adapted to new realities, offering healthy, varied and sustainable lunch options, prepared in-house and delivered directly to the workplace.
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Foodiz chefs discussing about recipes.